VIRGIL: THE AENEID trans. by David West Aeneas, survivor of Troy, journeys to Italy and founds the Roman race. This prose translation reads like a gripping adventure novel.
POLYBIUS: THE RISE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE trans. by Ian Scott-Kilvert One of our primary sources for the history of Rome’s wars with Carthage and Hannibal.
PLUTARCH: MAKERS OF ROME trans. by Ian Scott- Kilvert Nine biographies including Coriolanus, Fabius Maximus, Cato the Elder, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, and Marc Antony.
PLUTARCH: FALL OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC trans. by Rex Warner Six essential biographies: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, Cicero, and Crassus.
OVID: FASTI trans. by Boyle & Woodard Celebrating the days of the Roman calendar, Ovid explains the origins of various rites and ceremonies.
CORIOLANUS by William Shakespeare The Bard’s towering tragedy of the hero-traitor of early Rome; Steven tells his own version of the tale in Roma.