AUGUSTINE: Decline of the Roman Empire Three-hour epic about the Saint of Hippo originally broadcast on Italian TV, starring Johannes Brandup and Franco Nero; features English audiotrack. |
BEN HUR The three-hour TV version first broadcast in Canada in 2010, starring Joseph Morgan in the title role; features English audiotrack. |
ODYSSEUS: Voyage to the Underworld (Der Sieg der Odysseus) Arnold Vosloo and Steve Bacic battle monsters and match wits with wily goddesses on a mysterious island; features English audiotrack. |
THE INQUIRY (Die Untersuching) Imperial agent Keith Carradine investigates a reputed resurrection in this intellectual thriller from 1986. Harvey Keitel is Pilate; Phyllis Logan is his wife. Superior to the 2006 remake. |
SIGN OF THE PAGAN (Attila, der Hunnenkönig) Jack Palance stars as the terrifying Hun, with Jeff Chandler as Roman hero Marcian; Douglas Sirk directs. Widescreen print includes English track. |
SALOME Rita Hayworth performs the Dance of the Seven Veils for Herod (Charles Laughton) in a 1953 technicolor extravaganza. |
SODOM & GOMORRAH Robert Aldrich directed this sprawling Biblical epic from 1962 starring Stewart Granger and Anouk Aimee; score by Miklós Rózsa. Original 1.85:1 widescreen print. |
HERKULES The 2005 mini-series starring super-hunk Paul Telfer as the demigod, with Sean Astin and Leelee Sobieski. This is the 160-minute version, not the 127-minute DVD version available in the US. |
POMPEII: THE LAST DAYS (Pompeji: Der Untergang) Lavishly produced 3-hour Italian telemovie from 2007; the reconstruction (and destruction) of the ancient city is impressive. |
LAST DAYS OF POMPEII (Die letzten Tage von Pompeji) Beautiful 3-disk boxed set of the 1984 mini-series with Franco Nero, Laurence Olivier, Nicholas Clay, Olivia Hussey and Duncan Regehr. |
LAST DAYS OF POMPEII (Die letzten Tage von Pompeji) The 1959 Steve Reeves version with Fernando Rey as the villain and script by Sergio Leone; awesome 2.35:1 widescreen print. |
CARTHAGE IN FLAMES (Karthago in Flammen) 1960 spectacle of forbidden love and fiery mayhem as Rome destroys its greatest rival; beautiful 2.35:1 widescreen print. Also available as Karthago: Flammendes Inferno. |
DUEL OF THE TITANS (Romulus und Remus) Terrific pairing of Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott as the twin founders of Rome; stunning 2.35:1 widescreen print. |
HERCULES DOUBLE FEATURE The great Steve Reeves classics; the only 2.35:1 widescreen print Steven has found of Hercules Unchained, with a 1.77:1 print of Hercules. |
ATLANTIS THE LOST CONTINENT (Kontinent der Verlorenen) 1961 George Pal classic; a Greek fisherman is enslaved by the super-science of Atlantis. Excellent print in original 1.85:1 widescreen. |
MESSALINA The ill-fated Belinda Lee stars as the ill-fated wife of emperor Claudius. Vittorio Cottavi directs; Giuliano Gemma co-stars. Gorgeous 2.35:1 widescreen print. |
QUO VADIS The uncut 1985 miniseries with Klaus Maria Branudauer as Nero, based on the novel by the Nobel Prize winner Henryk Sienkiewicz. |
HANNIBAL Alexander Siddig stars as the Carthaginian general who crossed the Alps with elephants to menace Rome in this 2006 BBC docudrama. |