NOVELS OF ROMAN BRITAIN & HOMERS GREECE by Rosemary Sutcliff Originally marketed to younger readers, Sutcliff’s books have become beloved classics of the historical genre.
Her stories set in ancient Roman Britain include The Mark of the Horse Lord, the story of a gladiator who impersonates a king • the million-copy bestseller The
Eagle of the Ninth (available on audio cd) and its sequel The
Silver Branch • The
Outcast, about a Roman boy brought up by a British tribe • The
Lantern Bearers, set in post-Roman Britain, and its sequel, Sword at Sunset, the tale of King Arthur’s rise.
Sutcliff also retold the tales of Homer in Black
Ships Before Troy and The
Wanderings of Odysseus.
ANCIENT WORLD NOVELS by Nikos Kazantzakis The world-famous author of Zorba the Greek and The Last Temptation of Christ also wrote novels for younger readers, including Alexander the Great, a view of the conqueror as seen through the eyes of a young boy in the Macedonian court, and At the Palaces of Knossos, the stirring tale of Theseus, Ariadne, and the Minotaur. |
BY CLEMENCE McLAREN: Aphrodites Blessing: Love Stories from the Greek Myths brings to life three heroines, Atalanta, Andromeda and Psyche, and shows how each obtains a worthy mate. Inside the Walls of Troy is the tale of the Trojan War as seen through the eyes of the beautiful Helen and the tragic Cassandra. Waiting
for Odysseus is told from the point of view of the four women most central to the tale of Odysseus. |
ROMAN SCHOOLBOY MYSTERIES by Henry Winterfeld First published in Germany in the 1950s and 60s, Winterfelds books feature humor, history, and hair-breadth escapes. In Detectives
in Togas, the boys find their teacher bound and a friend blamed for defacing a temple, but theres more to the case than meets the eye. In Mystery
of the Roman Ransom, the boys track down a murder plot. Both books have delightful illustrations. Ages 9 and up.
NOVELS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD by G.A. Henty These handsomely illustrated
classics span the length and breadth of the ancient world. In
Young Carthaginian, a young
noble follows Hannibal in his campaigns against Rome. In
the Briton, a boy-chief is captured by invading Romans and taken to Neros Rome. For ages
9-12. Also by Henty: For
the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem and The
Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt.
GALEN: MY LIFE IN IMPERIAL ROME by Marissa Moss Jottings and drawings by a 12-year-old working alongside his father, an artist in the home of Augustus. |
SPEND THE DAY IN ANCIENT ROME by Honan & Kosmer includes projects and activities, from draping a toga to preparing a Roman feast. Ages 8-12. |
SIRENA by Donna Jo Napoli A young siren vows to overcome the curse that forces her kind into a life of deadly deceit. |
LOST IN THE LABYRINTH by Patrice Kindl A cloak-&-dagger retelling of the story of Ariadne, Theseus and the deadly Minotaur. |
THE IDES OF APRIL by Mary Ray When a senator is murdered, all the slaves will die unless 17-year-old Hylas finds the killer. A whodunnit set in the reign of Nero. Sequel: Beyond the Desert Gate.
CLEOPATRA VII: THE ROYAL DIARIES by Kristiana Gregory This novel in the form of a diary gets high marks from readers age 9-12, as young Cleopatra journeys to Rome to meet the men wholl shape her destiny.
A PLACE IN THE SUN by Jill Rubalcaba An attack by a deadly cobra sends a stonecutters son on a journey of tribulation and triumph in the Egypt of Ramses II.
THE WADJET EYE by Jill Rubalcaba In 45 B.C., young Damon travels from Alexandria to Spain, encountering warfare and shipwreck and meeting Cleopatra, Cicero and Caesar. An action-packed book for readers 9-12.
THE ARKADIANS by Lloyd Alexander The award-winning author of the Prydain Chronicles explores the world of Greek myth in this lively tale of a poor clerk and a talking donkey on a heroic quest.
IN SEARCH OF A HOMELAND by Penelope Lively Ian Andrew illustrates this masterful and gripping retelling of Virgils Aeneid for readers age 9 and up.
TROY by Adele Geras An ambitious 350-page epic transforms the triumphs and tragedies of Homers Iliad into a fascinating novel for
young adults. An Amazon.com Best of 2001 selection.
ITHAKA by Adele Geras The story of Penelope, wife of Odysseus, seen through the eyes of her servant girl.
THE COURTESANS DAUGHTER by Priscilla Galloway A young woman reaches marital age in Athens at a critical juncture in the citys history. Also by Galloway: Daedalus and the Minotaur. |
GODDESS OF YESTERDAY by Caroline B. Cooney The prelude to the Trojan War is seen afresh through the eyes of a young princess, Anaxander. |