(To browse FEATURE FILMS on video, click here)

HAIL, CAESAR! Boxed Set Six episodes from the A&E Biography series, each focusing on an individual Roman emperor. A panoramic view of the empire’s rise, apogee, and transformation into what we call “Byzantine” is provided by scrutinizing the lives and times of Julius Caesar, Augustus, Nero, Hadrian, Constantine, and Justinian.

THE ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE FIRST CENTURY Panoramic overview of the tumultuous era of the Augustan dynasty, from the founder of empire to less worthy successors like Caligula and Nero. Narrated by Sigourney Weaver.

ANCIENT ROME History Channel series in which Steven appears (along with historians like UC Berkeley’s Erich Gruen). Visuals are strong, but narrator Joe Mantegna could use a primer on pronouncing Roman names!

THE GREEKS: CRUCIBLE OF CIVILIZATION Stirring look at the rise and fall of Athens — birthplace of democracy, philosophy and drama — and her epic wars against the Persians and the Spartans. Narrated by Liam Neeson.

IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT Michael Wood’s brilliant concept — to follow literally in the footsteps of Alexander — brings the travails and triumphs of the conqueror to life as nothing else could. The companion book is also great.

GREAT CITIES: ROME & POMPEII Computer animation reconstructs the ruins of Rome and Pompeii before your eyes to show how people lived in ancient times, from the splendor of the baths and temples to the bloody spectacles of the arena.

GREAT CITIES: ATHENS & ANCIENT GREECE The glory of Greece is recreated through computer enhancements, showing buildings as they looked in their heyday — testaments to the greatness of the gods and the ingenuity of mankind.

GREAT CITIES: PYRAMIDS & CITIES OF THE PHARAOHS Great monuments and everyday buildings are recreated through computer graphics to convey a feeling for the scale and pace of daily life in ancient Egypt.


BYZANTIUM A good intro to that little-known twilight age when Rome turned Christian and verged into the Dark Ages — the subject of Gibbon’s famous Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

THE SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD • Volume 1 and Volume 2 Travel to the sites of the Seven Wonders, from the Colossus of Rhodes, to the Lighthouse at Pharos, to the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus...can you name all seven?

IN THE SHADOW OF VESUVIUS Archaeologists at Pompeii and Herculaneum study the largest preserved sites from the ancient world, thanks to the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D.


CLEOPATRA’S ALEXANDRIA Where Gordianus will head next (after A Mist of Prophecies), to the serpent’s nest of treachery amid faded splendor that was the capital of Egypt in the First Century B.C.

CLEOPATRA: DESTINY’S QUEEN A comprehensive look at the life and times of the Queen of the Nile — ruler of a nation who loved the most powerful men in the world and challenged the might of Rome.

LEGIONS OF ROME Four-part series examines the history and organization of the Roman legions from the Republic to the reign of Claudius, including the Punic wars, the Gallic wars, the life of Julius Caesar, and the invasions of Britain.

ALEXANDER: THE BATTLE OF ISSUS An excellent study of a seminal event in the career of the world conqueror — the Battle of Issus, in which Alexander the Great defeated a Persian force six times larger than his own.

DOCUMENTARIES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD FROM A&E HOME VIDEO A&E Network, often in conjunction with BBC, has produced a long string of documentaries about the ancient world, maintaining a high level of quality.

Athens: Triumphs and Tragedy A brief survey of the rise and fall of the cradle of Western Civilization.

66 A.D.: The Last Revolt A fascinating look at the Jewish revolt against Rome and its disastrous consequences.

England’s Great Wall On the windswept moors of Northern England, scholars search for answers to the lingering mysteries behind the ancient fortification that marked the edge of the Roman world.

Love in the Ancient World How did the Ancients define love, determine sexual conduct, and worship deities of desire? Narrated by a sultry Kathleen Turner. The companion book is fascinating.

The Greek Gods A sweeping look at the legendary deities of ancient Greece and their lingering legacy.

Treasure! The Ancient Gold of Troy The true story of a priceless treasure that was buried for thousands of years, discovered, lost for another fifty years...and then rediscovered.

Treasure! King Herod’s Lost City After six centuries beneath the desert sand, the ancient city of Caesarea is finally giving up its secrets

The Roman War Machine Historical re-enactments and footage from throughout Europe tell the story of the fighting force that conquered the world.

The Greeks Explores the lives of those who fought in the Trojan War and marched with Alexander through ancient accounts, modern findings, and extensive re-enactments. Narrated by Richard Karns.

The Romans March with the legendary Roman Legions for a ground-level view of life among the men many call the greatest soldiers the world has ever seen. Narrated by Richard Karns.

The Barbarians From the ferocious Celts to the Visigoths who sacked Rome in 410 A.D., explore the lives and lot of the soldiers who fought against the Romans. Narrated by Richard Karns.

Julius Caesar: Master of the Roman World This episode from the Biography series looks at Caesar’s life, loves, and military genius.

Caligula: Reign of Madness From the Biography series, a compelling look at one of the most notorious rulers in history, whose name is synonymous with depravity and madness.

Rome’s Lost Harbor A fascinating look at Ostia, the ancient port that connected Rome to the world.


Hidden City of Petra Explore one of the most incredible sites in the world — an ancient city literally carved into stone mountains.
Pompeii: Buried Alive Tour the world-famous site where a day in the life of the Roman Empire was preserved thanks to a volcanic eruption.
The Odyssey of Troy More than 3,000 years after its fabled fall, the city of Helen and King Priam continues to yield secrets as archaeologists dig ever deeper.

(To browse FEATURE FILMS on video, click here)
