color codes: fiction nonfiction poetry
DRIFTWOOD (New York: Vantage Press) • Literary Licensing reprint editions in hardcover and paperback (2011)
WOMBATS AND MOONDUST (Wings Press, Mill Valley, California; illustrated by Sheila Beardsley)

Wings: A Quarterly of Verse #13.3, Autumn 1957, included a book review by Swann
Wings: A Quarterly of Verse #13.5, Spring 1958, included a book review by Swann
Winged Victory (Fantastic Universe, July)

Viewpoint (Nebula Science Fiction #40, May, Scotland)

Lilac Parasols (poem, Ladies Home Journal, May, vol. LXXVI no. 5)


The Dryad-Tree (Science Fantasy #42, Aug); a short film based on the story, by writer & director Peter Davidson, was released in 2017.

“To Trap the Unicorn” (Snowy Egret, vol. 24, #2, Nov)
The Painter (Science Fantasy #44, Dec) • reprinted in FLYING SAUCERS ed. by Asimov, Greenberg & Waugh (Fawcett Crest paperback, 1987) • in Italian translation (“Il pittore,” tr. Ugo Malaguti, ill. Frank Frazetta, p. 208) in GUERRIERI, E ALTRI PACIFICATORI, Nova SF a. XIII (XXXI) n. 29 (71), March 1997, Perseo Libri, Bologna; in French translation in as “Le Peintre” in LE FORÊT D’ENVERS-MONDE (Gallimard/Folio-SF, 2006)
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I LIKE BEARS (Golden Quill Press)

Where Is the Bird of Fire? (Science Fantasy #52, April) 1963 Hugo nominee Best Short Fiction • reprinted in the collection WHERE IS THE BIRD OF FIRE? (Ace, 1970; German edition, DER FEUERVOGEL, Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion/Terra Fantasy 57, 1986) • reprinted in WHAT IF? VOLUME 2, ed. by Richard A. Lupoff (Pocket paperback, 1981) • reprinted in BAKER’S DOZEN: THIRTEEN SHORT FANTASY NOVELS ed. by Asimov, Greenberg & Waugh (Greenwich House/Random House Value Publishing, hardcover, 1984; reissued as THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF SHORT FANTASY NOVELS, presented by Isaac Asimov, London: Robinson, trade paperback, 1886; mass market paperback, 1988; US edition, Carroll & Graf, 1989) • Spanish translation (“¿Dónde está el pájaro de fuego?”) in El Péndulo # 15, May, 1987, Buenos Aires • reprinted in CLASSICAL STORIES: HEROIC TALES FROM ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME ed. by Mike Ashley (London: Past Times, 1996; collection reprinted as HEROIC ADVENTURE STORIES: FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF GREECE AND ROME, Robinson 1998) • expanded into LADY OF THE BEES (Ace, 1976); in French translation (as “Où est-il donc, l’oiseau de feu?”), included in LE PHÉNIX VERT, Les moutons électriques, 2004.
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“The Sudden Wings” (Science Fantasy #55, Oct) • reprinted in THE OXFORD BOOK OF FANTASY STORIES, ed. Tom Shippey (Oxford University Press, 1994; paperback 1995)
“The Dolphin and the Deep” (Science Fantasy #60, Aug) • reprinted in the collection THE DOLPHIN AND THE DEEP (Ace, 1968) • included in the anthology THE WILDSIDE BOOK OF FANTASY (Kindle edition, Wildside Press, 2012)
“The Murex” (Science Fantasy #63, Feb) • reprinted in the collection THE DOLPHIN AND THE DEEP (Ace, 1968)

ALAS, IN LILLIPUT (Achille St. Onge, Worcester, MA; miniature book in edition of 500 copies)

“The Blue Monkeys” (serialized in Science Fantasy #67-69, Sept-Jan) • reprinted in SF REPRISE 3, ed. Michael Moorcock (Compact, 1966) • reprinted as the novel DAY OF THE MINOTAUR (Ace, 1966)
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“Vashti” (Science Fantasy #72, May) • reprinted in SF REPRISE 6, ed. by Michael Moorcock (Compact, 1966) • reprinted in the collection WHERE IS THE BIRD OF FIRE? (Ace, 1970); German edition, DER FEUERVOGEL, Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion/Terra Fantasy 57, 1986) • reprinted in JEWELS OF WONDER: AN ANTHOLOGY OF HEROIC FANTASY ed. by Mike Ashley (London: William Kimber, hardcover, 1991) • in French translation in the French fanzine Antarès, #37-38, 1991

THE WEIRWOODS (serialized in Science Fantasy #77-78, Oct-Nov) • published as a novel (Ace, 1967)
DAY OF THE MINOTAUR (Ace, Oct; reprinted March, 78) • orig. serialized in Science Fantasy 1964-5 as “The Blue Monkeys” • 1967 Hugo nominee Best Novel • listed (#32) in MODERN FANTASY: THE HUNDRED BEST NOVELS, AN ENGLISH-LANGUAGE SELECTION, 1946-1987 by David Pringle • in French translation in the dual volume LA FORÊT D'ÉTERNITÉ/AU TEMPS DU MINOTAURE (chez Opta, “Aventures fantastiques”, 1973); reissued in the omnibus paperback LA CRÈTE: LES ROMANS DU LABYRINTHE (Presses de la Cité; ISBN: 2258040256, 1995); retitled and reissued (?) as LE JOUR DU MINOTAURE (Broché, chez Bifrost/Étoiples Vive, Du Belial/Lebelial; ISBN: 2843440262, 2000) • UK Mayflower edition 1975 • German edition, DIE STUNDE DES MINOTAUREN (Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion/Terra Fantasy 44, 1980); reprinted in the omnibus MINOTAURUS: Der letzte Minotaur, Die Stunde des Minotauren (Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion, 1990) • reprinted in THE MINOTAUR TRILOGY: CRY SILVER BELLS, THE FOREST OF FOREVER, DAY OF THE MINOTAUR (M.D. Hargreaves; hardcover ASIN: 0964147610, 1996) • in French translation in the omnibus volume LA TRILOGIE DE MINOTAURE (Belial, broché, 2003; Gallimard, poche, 2005) • in Czech translation in the omnibus volume MINOTAURI TRILOGIE (Classic, Prague, paperback, 2011) • Wildside Press paperback (2012) • Wildside Press Kindle edition (2013)
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“The Manor of Roses” (F&SF, Nov) • 1967 Hugo nominee Best Novelette • incorporated (with “The Stalking Trees”) into THE TOURNAMENT OF THORNS (DAW, 1976) • reprinted in ONCE AND FUTURE TALES FROM THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, ed. by Edward L. Ferman (Harris-Wolfe/Delphi Press, 1968) • in French translation (as “Le manoir de roses”) in Fiction #176, 1968; reprinted in the collection LE MANOIR DE ROSES, ed. by Marc Duveau (Presses Pocket, Paris, 1978; reissued as HIGH FANTASY 1, 1988); reprinted in LA GRANDE ANTHOLOGIE DE LA FANTASY ed. by Marc Duveau (Omnibus, Paris, 2003) • reprinted in THE BEST FANTASY STORIES FROM THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION ed. by Edward L. Ferman (London: Octopus Books Ltd., 1985) • reprinted in FAERIES: ISAAC ASIMOV’S MAGICAL WORLDS OF FANTASY 12 (Roc/Penguin Books, paperback, 1991; also in Italian edition, IL REGNO INCANTATO, Urania Fantasy 63, Arnold Mondadori Editore, Milano, 1993, p. 21) • reprinted in GREAT TALES OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION ed. anon. (London: Chancellor Press, 1991) • reprinted in MODERN CLASSICS OF FANTASY ed. by Gardner Dozois (St. Martin’s, hardcover, 1997) • reprinted (in Spanish translation) as “La Mansión de las rosas” in CIENCIA FICCIÓN SELECCIÓN 2 (4a. ed. Buenos Aires: Bruguera [Libro amigo, 187], 1971)
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THE WEIRWOODS (Ace) (orig. serialized in Science Fantasy, 1965) • John Betancourt Audible audio edition (2012)
The Borrowed Bear, a brief, personal appreciation of Swanns sources and inspirations, in The WSFA Journal (Washington Science Fiction Association), No. 60, Sept 1968; reprinted (and accessible online) in The WSFA Journal, Nov. 1987
THE DOLPHIN AND THE DEEP (Ace, collection of The Dolphin and the Deep; The Manor of Roses; The Murex)

MOONDUST (Ace; reprinted 77) • Wildside Press paperback (2014)
WHERE IS THE BIRD OF FIRE? (Ace, collection of Where Is the Bird of Fire?; Vashti; Bear) German edition, DER FEUERVOGEL (Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion/Terra Fantasy 57, 1986)

“A-Hunting We Will Go” (Maybe: Worlds of Fanfiction #6, July/Aug)

The Goat Without Horns (F&SF, Aug & Sept; expanded into novel, 1971)

“The Red Ants Revolt” (Maybe: Worlds of Fanfiction #7, Sep)
A Problem of Adjustment (Maybe: Worlds of Fanfiction #8, Oct/Nov; reprinted in Beyond the Fields We Know #1, Autumn 1978)

A.A. MILNE (Twayne)
THE FOREST OF FOREVER (Ace) 1972 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award nominee Best Novel 1972 Locus Awards novel list #15 • in French translation in the dual volume LA FORÊT D'ÉTERNITÉ/AU TEMPS DU MINOTAURE (chez Opta, “Aventures fantastiques”, 1973) • Mayflower UK edition 1975 • German edition, DER LETZTE MINOTAUR (Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion/Terra Fantasy 34, 1977, reprinted 1980); reprinted in the omnibus MINOTAURUS: Der letzte Minotaur, Die Stunde des Minotauren (Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion, 1990) • reprinted in THE MINOTAUR TRILOGY: CRY SILVER BELLS, THE FOREST OF FOREVER, DAY OF THE MINOTAUR (M.D. Hargreaves; hardcover ASIN: 0964147610, 1996) • in Franch translation in the omnibus volume LA TRILOGIE DE MINOTAURE (Belial, broché, 2003; Gallimard, poche, 2005) • in Czech translation in the omnibus volume MINOTAURI TRILOGIE (Classic, Prague, paperback, 2011) • Wildside Press hardcover (2011), paperback (2011) and Kindle edition (2012)

THE GOAT WITHOUT HORNS (Ballantine, Oct) German edition, PRINZESSIN DER HAIE (Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion/Terra Fantasy 68, 1979) • Wildside Press paperback (2012)
Love Is a Dragonfly (F&SF, Mar) 1973 Locus Awards novella list #16 in Spanish translation (as El Amor es una libélula) in CIENCIA FICCIÓN SELECCIÓN 32 (8402053092, 1977) incorporated as part one of the novel GREEN PHOENIX, 1972

GREEN PHOENIX (Ace) part one from Love Is a Dragonfly (F&SF, Mar 72) 1973 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award nominee Best Novel • Spanish edition, EL FÉNIX VERDE (Barcelona: EDAF [Icaro fantasía, 6], 8476403933, 1972 and 1990) • German edition, DER GRÜNE PHÖNIX (Goldmann, 1978) • included in the German omnibus ZAUBERWÄLDER (Goldmann, 1987) • in French translation as LE PHÉNIX VERT (Les Moutons Electriques, broché, 2004; Points Fantasy, poche, 2007) • Wildside Press hardcover (2011), paperback (2011) and Kindle edition (2012)
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WOLFWINTER (Ballantine, Nov.)

The Stalking Trees (F&SF, Jan) incorporated (with The Manor of Roses) into THE TOURNAMENT OF THORNS (DAW, 1976)

HOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLEN (DAW, March) 1975 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award nominee Best Novel 1973 Locus Awards novel list #14 Hall of Fame finalist, 2000 Spectrum Awards

WILL-O-THE-WISP serialized in Fantastic, Sept & Nov reprinted as a novel in 1976 (UK Corgi edition)

THE NOT-WORLD (DAW, Feb) • Spanish edition, EL MUNDO INEXISTENTE (8476403798, 1975) • German edition, DIE NICHT-WELT (Goldmann, 1978) • in French translation in the dual volume LES DIEUX DEMEURENT/LA FORÊT D’ENVERS-MONDE, (Nouvelles Éditions Opta, 1982)• included in the German omnibus ZAUBERWÄLDER (Goldmann, 1987); • in revised French translation as LE FORÊT D’ENVERS-MONDE (Gallimard/Folio-SF, 2006), which also includes the novel LES DIEUX DEMEURENT (THE GODS ABIDE) and the short story “Le Peintre” (“The Painter”) • Wildside Press Audible audio edition (2015)
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The Night of the Unicorn in NAMELESS PLACES, ed. by Gerald W. Page (Arkham House) reprinted in THE YEARS BEST FANTASY STORIES: 2, Ed. Lin Carter (DAW, 1976; as Die Nacht des Einhorns in the German edition, DÄMONENLIEBE: DIE BESTEN FANTASY-STORIES DES JAHRES, Pabel/Moewig Verlagsunion/Terra Fantasy 85, 1981) reprinted in UNICORNS! (book 1 in Magic Tales Anthology Series) ed. by Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois (Ace, paperback, 1982) Italian translation (La notte dell unicorno trans. Daniela Rossi) in Fantasy Inverno 1992 (Supplement to Urania Fantasy #54, Dec. 1992)

“The Dog Days” (phoenisst #1, Feb)
THE MINIKINS OF YAM (DAW, Feb) German edition, DIE TANZENDEN ZWERGE VON YAM (GOLDMANN, 1980) • Wildside Press hardcover, paperback, Audible, and Kindle editions (2013)
THE TOURNAMENT OF THORNS (DAW; 1st posthumous novel; combines The Manor of Roses and The Stalking Trees) Spanish edition, LA MANSIÓN DE LAS ROSAS (Brugero Libro Amigo, 840207281X, 1980)

THE GODS ABIDE (DAW, Dec.; posthumous) • German edition, DIE HEIMLICHEN GÖTTER (The Secret Gods), Goldmann, 1980 • French translation in the dual volume LES DIEUX DEMEURENT/LA FORÊT D’ENVERS-MONDE, (Nouvelles Éditions Opta, 1982); in revised Franch translation as LES DIEUX DEMEURENT in LE FORÊT D’ENVERS-MONDE (Gallimard/Folio-SF, 2006 • Wildside Press Audible audio edition (2012).
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WILL-O-THE-WISP (Corgi UK paperback; posthumous; previously serialized in Fantastic) • German edition, DER GOLDENE RIESE (The Golden Giant), Goldmann 1978

LADY OF THE BEES (Ace; posthumous; expansion of “Where Is the Bird of Fire”) • German edition, DIE BIENENKÖNIGIN, Goldmann, 1979 • in French translation as LA DAME DES ABEILLES (Les Moutons Electriques, broché, 2006; Points Fantasy, poche, 2007)
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CRY SILVER BELLS (DAW, Dec.; posthumous) 1978 Locus Awards fantasy novel list #11 • included in the German omnibus ZAUBERWÄLDER (Goldmann, 1987) • reprinted in THE MINOTAUR TRILOGY: CRY SILVER BELLS, THE FOREST OF FOREVER, DAY OF THE MINOTAUR (M.D. Hargreaves; hardcover ASIN: 0964147610, 1996) • in French translation as LE LABYRINTHE DU MINOTAURE (Broché, chez Bifrost/Étoiles Vive, Du Belial/Lebelial; ISBN: 2843440106, 1998) • in Franch translation in the omnibus volume LA TRILOGIE DE MINOTAURE (Belial, broché, 2003; Gallimard, poche, 2005) • in Czech translation in the omnibus volume MINOTAURI TRILOGIE (Classic, Prague, paperback, 2011)

QUEENS WALK IN THE DUSK • Locus Awards fantasy novel list #13 • (Heritage Press, Inc., Forest Park, GA; posthumous; afterword, “Remembering Tom Swann,” by Gerald W. Page; color illustrations by Jeff Jones) • in French translation as LE PEUPLE DE LA MER (Points Fantasy, poche, 2007) • Wildside Press Audible audio edition (2012) • Wildside Press hardcover, paperback and Kindle editions (2013)
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THE HEROINE OR THE HORSE: LEADING LADIES IN REPUBLICS FILMS (A.S. Barnes; posthumous) reprinted by Youselef, ISBN: 0490819624, 1978

POEMS (Star Press; posthumous)